Teil 1: Ein Raubüberfall
Es regnete leicht. Die Regentropfen machten Geräusche an den Fenstern der Bank. Die Bank war in der Altstadt von Regensburg. Heute war ein besonderer Tag. Die Leute bekamen ihr Geld. Die Bank war voll.
Greg war einer von ihnen. Er trug einen langen Mantel. Unter dem Mantel hatte er eine Maske. Er war kein normaler Kunde. Er war ein Räuber. Er wollte das Geld der Bank stehlen. Er war nicht allein. Er hatte zwei Freunde, die ihm halfen. Max und Sandra. Sie waren auch Räuber. Sie hatten Waffen.
Greg ging zur Kasse. Er zog seine Maske an. Er zog seine Waffe. Er schrie: “Das ist ein Überfall! Alle auf den Boden! Keine Bewegung! Kein Laut!”
Die Leute erschraken. Sie taten, was er sagte. Sie legten sich auf den Boden. Sie waren still. Sie hatten Angst.
Max und Sandra gingen zu den anderen Kassen. Sie bedrohten die Angestellten. Sie sagten: “Gebt uns das Geld! Schnell! Sonst schießen wir!”
Die Angestellten gehorchten. Sie öffneten die Geldschubladen. Sie gaben ihnen das Geld. Sie zitterten.
Greg nahm das Geld. Er steckte es in eine Tasche. Er hatte viel Geld. Er war glücklich. Er dachte: Das ist perfekt. Alles läuft nach Plan.
Er sprach in ein kleines Gerät. Er sagte: “Wir haben das Geld. Los, los, los!”
Max und Sandra hörten ihn. Sie sagten: “OK, wir kommen.”
Sie gingen zur Tür. Sie wollten weggehen. Aber dann sahen sie etwas. Etwas, das nicht zum Plan gehörte.
Ein Lieferwagen stand vor der Bank. Er war rotbraun. Er blockierte den Weg. Ein Mann stieg aus. Er trug eine Lederjacke. Er hatte ein Paket. Er sagte: “Oh, Entschuldigung. Ich habe das Paket vergessen. Ich muss es schnell abgeben.”
Er ging zur Bank. Er sah die Räuber. Er sah die Masken. Er sah die Waffen. Er sah die Leute auf dem Boden. Er verstand, was los war.
Die Räuber sahen ihn. Sie waren überrascht. Sie wussten nicht, was sie tun sollten. Sie hatten keine Zeit zu reagieren.
Der Mann hob die Hände. Er sagte: “Keine Sorge. Ich will nichts stehlen. Ich bin nur auf der Flucht.”
Die Leute in der Bank waren verwirrt. Sie wussten nicht, wer der Mann war. Sie wussten nicht, was er wollte. Sie wussten nicht, was er meinte.
Die Räuber waren wütend. Sie dachten: Das ist schlecht. Das ist sehr schlecht. Das ist das Ende.
The Golden Adder
It was drizzling. The raindrops made noises on the windows of the bank. The bank was in the old town of Regensburg. Today was a special day. The people got their money. The bank was full.
Greg was one of them. He wore a long coat. Under the coat he had a mask. He was not a normal customer. He was a robber. He wanted to steal the bank’s money. He was not alone. He had two friends who helped him. Max and Sandra. They were also robbers. They had guns.
Greg went to the cashier. He put on his mask. He pulled out his gun. He shouted: “This is a robbery! Everyone on the floor! No movement! No sound!”
The people were scared. They did what he said. They lay down on the floor. They were quiet. They were afraid.
Max and Sandra went to the other cashiers. They threatened the employees. They said: “Give us the money! Quickly! Or we’ll shoot!”
The employees obeyed. They opened the cash drawers. They gave them the money. They trembled.
Greg took the money. He put it in a bag. He had a lot of money. He was happy. He thought: This is perfect. Everything is going according to plan.
He spoke into a small device. He said: “We have the money. Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!”
Max and Sandra heard him. They said: “OK, we’re coming.”
They went to the door. They wanted to leave. But then they saw something. Something that was not part of the plan.
A delivery van was in front of the bank. It was reddish-brown. It blocked the way. A man got out. He wore a leather jacket. He had a package. He said: “Oh, sorry. I forgot the package. I have to deliver it quickly.”
He went to the bank. He saw the robbers. He saw the masks. He saw the guns. He saw the people on the floor. He understood what was going on.
The robbers saw him. They were surprised. They did not know what to do. They had no time to react.
The man raised his hands. He said: “Don’t worry. I don’t want to steal anything. I’m just on the run.”
The people in the bank were confused. They did not know who the man was. They did not know what he wanted. They did not know what he meant.
The robbers were angry. They thought: This is bad. This is very bad. This is the end.
- war (was, were): This verb is the past tense of sein (to be). It is used to describe the state or condition of something or someone.
- Die Bank war in der Altstadt von Regensburg. (The bank was in the old town of Regensburg.)
- Er war nicht allein. (He was not alone.)
- Er war kein normaler Kunde. (He was not a normal customer.)
trug (wore): This verb is the past tense of tragen (to wear, to carry). It is used to describe what someone wore or carried. For example: Er trug einen langen Mantel. (He wore a long coat.)
hatte (had): This verb is the past tense of haben (to have). It is used to describe what someone had or possessed. For example: Er hatte eine Maske. (He had a mask.)
wollte (wanted): This verb is the past tense of wollen (to want). It is used to describe what someone wanted or desired. For example: Er wollte das Geld der Bank stehlen. (He wanted to steal the bank’s money.)
hatten (had): This verb is the past tense of haben (to have). It is used to describe what someone had or possessed. For example: Sie hatten Waffen. (They had guns.)
ging (went): This verb is the past tense of gehen (to go). It is used to describe the movement or direction of someone or something. For example: Er ging zur Kasse. (He went to the cashier.)
zog (pulled): This verb is the past tense of ziehen (to pull, to draw). It is used to describe the action of pulling or drawing something. For example: Er zog seine Maske an. (He pulled on his mask.)
schrie (shouted): This verb is the past tense of schreien (to shout, to scream). It is used to describe the sound or expression of someone or something. For example: Er schrie: “Das ist ein Überfall!” (He shouted: “This is a robbery!”)