Das Verb “denken”

denken (to think)


Denken ist ein komplexer mentaler Prozess, der die Aufnahme, Verarbeitung und Speicherung von Informationen umfasst. Es ist eine der wichtigsten Funktionen des menschlichen Gehirns und ermöglicht es uns, die Welt um uns herum zu verstehen und zu interpretieren.

Das Verb “denken” wird verwendet, um eine Reihe von mentalen Aktivitäten zu beschreiben, darunter:

Planen: Ich denke darüber nach, wie ich morgen früh zur Arbeit komme.

Abwägen: Ich denke darüber nach, ob ich das neue Auto kaufen soll oder nicht.

Erinnern: Ich kann mich daran erinnern, wie ich letztes Jahr Urlaub gemacht habe.

Schlüpfen: Ich denke, dass sie es nicht tun wird.

Verstehen: Ich verstehe nicht, was du meinst.

Das Verb “denken” kann auch verwendet werden, um eine Meinung oder einen Glauben auszudrücken:

Ich denke, dass es morgen regnen wird.

Ich denke, dass die Politik zu kompliziert ist.

Ich denke, dass Religion wichtig ist.


Der Imperativ von “denken” ist “denk!”. Er wird verwendet, um jemanden aufzufordern, nachzudenken:

Denk darüber nach, was du sagst!

Denk daran, deine Hausaufgaben zu machen!

Denk daran, mich anzurufen!


Thinking is a complex mental process that involves the intake, processing, and storage of information. It is one of the most important functions of the human brain and allows us to understand and interpret the world around us.

The verb “denken” is used to describe a number of mental activities, including:

Planning: I am thinking about how to get to work tomorrow morning.

Weighing: I am thinking about whether or not to buy the new car.

Remembering: I can remember how I spent my vacation last year.

Guessing: I think she won’t do it.

Understanding: I don’t understand what you mean.

The verb “denken” can also be used to express an opinion or belief:

I think it will rain tomorrow.

I think politics is too complicated.

I think religion is important.


The imperative of “denken” is “denk!”. It is used to tell someone to think:

Think about what you are saying!

Remember to do your homework!

Remember to call me!

Movement Out, From, or Off Of

The prefix “aus” in German carries a range of meanings, often conveying the idea of movement out, from, or off of something. This prefix is used with various verbs to create expressions that are both common and essential in everyday German language. Here are some of the most frequently used verbs that start with the prefix “aus”:

ausgehen (to go out)

This versatile verb describes the action of leaving one’s home or residence to engage in social activities, such as attending a party, going to the cinema, or having dinner with friends. It is commonly used to refer to evenings spent socializing and enjoying the company of others.

ausmachen (to turn off, switch off)

This essential verb indicates the cessation of an electrical device, such as a light, TV, or radio. It is commonly used to conserve energy, avoid accidents, or prepare for sleep. For example, one might say “Mach das Licht aus!” (Turn off the light!) or “Hast du den Fernseher ausgemacht?” (Did you turn off the TV?)

ausfüllen (to fill out)

This expression describes the process of completing a form or document with necessary information. It is often used to refer to registering for an event, applying for a job, or filling out tax forms. For instance, one might say “Ich muss noch die Bewerbung ausfüllen.” (I still need to fill out the application.)

aussprechen (to pronounce, articulate)

This verb refers to the act of producing sounds correctly and effectively. It is commonly used to describe teaching someone how to pronounce unfamiliar words or practicing pronunciation exercises. For example, one might say “Sprich das Wort bitte noch mal aus.” (Please pronounce the word again.)

aussteigen (to get off)

This verb describes the action of exiting a vehicle, such as a train, bus, or car. It is commonly used to refer to leaving public transportation at a designated stop or disembarking from a vehicle after a journey. For example, one might say “Ich steige hier aus.” (I’m getting off here.)

These are just a few examples of the many German verbs that start with the prefix “aus.” This prefix plays a significant role in German vocabulary, adding a layer of meaning and nuance to everyday expressions.

German Verbs Prefixes

German verbs can have three types of prefixes: separable, inseparable, and dual.

Separable prefixes can be separated from the main verb and placed at the end of a clause or sentence. They are always stressed in pronunciation. Some common separable prefixes include:

an- (to, onto)
ab- (away from, off)
ein- (into, into)
aus- (out of, off)
mit- (with)
über- (over, above)
unter- (under, below)
zu- (to, at)
wieder- (again)

Inseparable prefixes cannot be detached from the verb. They are never stressed in pronunciation. Some common inseparable prefixes include:

be- (to, for)
er- (to, for)
ent- (to remove, to take away)
emp- (to take away, to remove)
ver- (to spoil, to destroy)
voll- (full of)
zer- (to tear apart, to break)

Dual prefixes can function as either separable or inseparable depending on context. They are usually prepositions that have become prefixes over time. Some common dual prefixes include:

außerhalb- (outside of)
entlang- (along)
hinter- (behind)
über- (over)
um- (around)
unter- (under)
wider- (against)

The meaning of a verb with a prefix can be changed slightly or dramatically. For example, the verb stehen (to stand) can become aufstehen (to get up) when the prefix auf- (to, onto) is added. The verb hören (to hear) can become zuhören (to listen) when the prefix zu- (to) is added.

It is important to learn the different types of prefixes and how they affect the meaning of verbs in German. This will help you to understand and use German verbs more effectively.

The Prefix: AUF

The prefix “auf” in German carries a variety of meanings, often related to upward movement, opening, or starting an action. As a result, it is found in a wide range of frequently used verbs, each with its own specific nuance. Here are some of the most common examples:

Aufstehen: This basic verb means “to stand up.” It is used to indicate getting out of bed or rising from a seated position.

Aufmachen: This verb means “to open” something, whether it be a door, window, or container. It can also be used figuratively to mean “to start something up.”

Aufräumen: This verb means “to tidy up” or “to put away things.” It is often used to describe the act of cleaning up a messy space.

Aufhören: This verb means “to stop” or “to cease doing something.” It can be used in both literal and figurative contexts.

Auffallen: This verb means “to stand out” or “to attract attention.” It is often used to describe something that is visually noticeable or unusual.

Aufnehmen: This verb has two main meanings: “to take up” or “to absorb” something. It can also be used to mean “to record” or “to pick up” a signal.

Aufgeben: This verb means “to give up” or “to abandon something.” It is often used in a context of defeat or frustration.

Auftreten: This verb means “to appear” or “to make an appearance.” It can be used in a literal sense to describe someone coming onto stage or in a figurative sense to describe someone taking on a role or responsibility.

These examples illustrate the versatility of the prefix “auf” in German verbs. It can add a sense of movement, initiation, or completion to a verb’s meaning, making it a valuable tool for German learners.

Preposition: BEI

The German preposition “bei” means “at, by, near, or with” and is one of the most common prepositions in the language. It is also used in the formation of a number of frequently used verbs. Here is a list of some of the most common German verbs that start with the letters “bei”:

Beibehalten (to keep, to retain)
Beibringen (to teach, to impart)
Beichten (to confess)
Beidrehen (to slow down)
Beieinanderhaben (to have together)
Beieinanderhalten (to keep together)
Beifügen (to enclose, to attach)
Beigeben (to add, to join)
Beigehen (to go with, to accompany)
Beigesellen (to join, to accompany)
Beiheften (to staple)
Beiholen (to fetch, to retrieve)
Beikommen (to manage, to cope)
Beiladen (to invite, to ask to join)
Beilegen (to settle, to resolve)
Beiliegen (to be enclosed, to be attached)
Beimachen (to participate, to join in)
Beimengen (to add, to mix)
Beimessen (to attribute, to ascribe)
Beimischen (to add, to mix)
Beinhalten (to contain, to include)
Beiordnen (to assign, to allocate)
Beipacken (to enclose, to attach)
Beipflichten (to agree, to concur)
Beirren (to mislead, to confuse)
Beisammenbleiben (to stay together)
Beisammenhaben (to have together)
Beischaffen (to provide, to procure)
Beischießen (to shoot at, to fire at)
Beischlafen (to sleep with)
Beischließen (to close)
Beiseitebringen (to set aside)
Beiseitedrängen (to push aside)
Beiseitelassen (to leave aside)
Beiseitelegen (to put aside)
Beiseitenehmen (to take aside)
Beiseiteschaffen (to get rid of)
Beiseiteschieben (to push aside)
Beiseitestehen (to stand aside)
Beiseitestellen (to put aside)
Beiseitetreten (to step aside)
Beisetzen (to bury, to inter)
Beisitzen (to be present, to attend)
Beispringen (to help, to assist)
Beistehen (to help, to support)
Beistellen (to provide, to furnish)
Beisteuern (to contribute, to add)
Beistimmen (to agree, to concur)
Beitragen (to contribute, to add)
Beitreiben (to drive, to urge)
Beitreten (to join, to become a member of)
Beiwilligen (to agree, to consent)
Beiwohnen (to attend, to be present at)
Beizen (to etch, to corrode)
Beiziehen (to call upon, to consult)
Beißen (to bite)

These verbs are used in a variety of contexts and can be helpful for German learners to know.