German Verbs that Start with the Letter Z
The letter “z” is a rare letter in German, and it only appears in 3% of German words. However, there are a few common German verbs that start with the letter “z”.
- zahlen (to pay)
- zeichnen (to draw)
- zeigen (to show)
- zerlesen (to read until something is ruined)
- zerstören (to destroy)
- ziehen (to pull or drag)
- zukommen (to come to)
- zuladen (to load)
These verbs are all relatively common, and they are used in a variety of contexts. For example, the verb “zahlen” can be used to describe paying for a product or service, while the verb “zeichnen” can be used to describe drawing a picture or diagram.
Here are some additional verbs that start with the letter “z”:
- zögern (to hesitate)
- zünden (to light)
- zwingen (to force)
- zusammen (to put together)
- zurecht (to adjust)
These verbs are less common than the ones listed above, but they are still useful to know. For example, the verb “zögern” can be used to describe delaying or postponing something, while the verb “zünden” can be used to describe lighting a fire or a match.
Last Updated on July 5, 2024
by DaF Books