Some popular German verbs that begin with the letter L:
- laufen (to run)
- lassen (to let, to allow)
- leisten (to do, to perform)
- lernen (to learn)
- lieben (to love)
- löffeln (to eat with a spoon)
- lächeln (to smile)
- lesen (to read)
- lügen (to lie)
- lachen (to laugh)
These verbs are used in a variety of contexts and are essential for everyday conversation. They are also used in many common German expressions.
Here are some examples of how to use these verbs in a sentence:
- Ich laufe jeden Morgen um den See. (I run around the lake every morning.)
- Lassen Sie mich das machen. (Let me do that.)
- Kann ich Ihnen etwas leisten? (Can I do anything for you?)
- Ich lerne Deutsch. (I am learning German.)
- Ich liebe dich. (I love you.)
- Löffele ich dein Essen? (Shall I spoon-feed you?)
- Sie lächeln so schön. (You have a beautiful smile.)
Last Updated on July 5, 2024
by DaF Books