Express Yourself in German.

The preposition “bei” is a fundamental part of the German language, often used to indicate proximity, accompaniment, or participation. It also frequently appears in verb combinations, adding nuances of meaning and context. Here’s a look at some frequently used German verbs that begin with “bei”:

Beibehalten (to keep, to maintain): This verb is used to express the idea of retaining something or continuing to do something. For instance, “Ich werde meine Gewohnheiten beibehalten.” (I will maintain my habits.)

Beibringen (to teach, to impart): This verb conveys the act of imparting knowledge or skills to someone. For example, “Ich habe meinem Sohn das Schwimmen beigebracht.” (I taught my son to swim.)

Beichten (to confess): This verb refers to the act of admitting or confessing a wrongdoing or sin. For instance, “Sie musste ihre Sünden beichten.” (She had to confess her sins.)

Beipflichten (to agree, to assent): This verb expresses the act of agreeing with or assenting to something. For example, “Ich pflichte Ihnen bei.” (I agree with you.)

Beistehen (to support, to assist): This verb signifies providing assistance or support to someone in need. For instance, “Ich werde Ihnen beistehen.” (I will support you.)

Beisteuern (to contribute): This verb indicates the act of giving or adding something to a collective effort. For example, “Jeder sollte seinen Teil beitragen.” (Everyone should contribute their part.)

Beitreten (to join, to become a member): This verb signifies joining a group, organization, or association. For instance, “Ich habe einem Verein beigetreten.” (I joined a club.)

These are just a few examples of the many commonly used German verbs that start with “bei.” Mastering these verbs will enrich your vocabulary and enhance your ability to express yourself in German.

Last Updated on January 19, 2024
by DaF Books

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